

BDE Part II Ep. 3 - Beginning To Understand

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BDE Part II Ep. 3

This episode is dedicated to Noah Ramsey. Thanks for helping me!



Skye ran through the unknown streets of New York, tears swelling from her eyes. It was not the first time in the past two days that she was scared. She was lost, her entire life was gone, and there was absolutely nothing to do about it. So she ran. She ran, and she didn't even know what she was running from.

She heard Chelsea yelling her name from far behind her, but she didn't care. She didn't care if the entire world depended on her, she didn't care if she was the answer to the universe, she didn't care if some random girl she'd known for only 48 hours had a crush on her. None of that mattered.

Nothing mattered. It was all just fake. What was the point of living if somewhere out there someone was doing the exact same thing? Except there wasn't, because in every other universe she was dead. So what was the point? She didn't understand. Her sister was gone, and she didn't know if she'd ever see her again. God, what has my life become she thought to herself.

She stopped running, then reached into her jeans pocket for her phone and her wireless earbuds. Maybe listening to some music would help calm her down. She didn't want to have a panic attack, she hadn't had her anxiety meds since leaving her world, which was definetly not a good thing. She opened the white case, and took out the earbud, and a Eminem song started playing. She stood there in the rain, as people walked passed her not paying attention to her. She was NOT going to collapse. She WOULD see her sister again.



I looked from the chick named Voira then too Rico.
"So then what are we going to do?" I crossed my arms. Rico scratched the back of his head, moving his dew rag around.
"I mean, I could take youse guys to my place until Antuan comes back" Voira got a disgusted expression on her face.
"Oh naw, hell naw, if we goin' anywhere we goin' to my house. We ain't finna kick it in that dump of yours Rico"
He looked at the ground, then spoke to himself.
"Well, my regulator works, so we could..." Voira snatched the holographic phone looking thing out of his hand, and then grabbed my hand. I jumped back a little.
"You gotta hold on to me to travel, girl" She told me, and then I grabbed her hand. Rico grabbed her other one, and then in a flash, we were gone.


The girl with the dark skin fell to the icy ground, the two adults looking at her.
"Where are we?" she said as she stood up, he braided hair blowing in the wind, and slipping on the icy bricks.
"Upstate New York" Voira told her as she started walking up the brick driveway. Raven turned around, and she saw a massive house, with a Mclaren and Corvette in the driveway. To her left, there was a forest full of snow covered trees, and to her right she could see an icy lake.

"Woah, it's so pretty" She said as they walked up the driveway. Rico was eyeing the cars, and Voira told him to not get any ideas. He blushed as they approached the front door, which had a holly wreath on it. Voira placed her palm against a metal pad, and the massive piece of wood and glass opened, revealing a spacious living room, with a gigantic christmas tree in the corner.

"It Christmas time here, Vee?" Rico asked as they entered the house. It was so clean and nice. Not what Raven had expected. Voira turned around and looked at Rico.
"Well dumba**, do you think we'd have a christmas tree if it weren't christmas?" Rico looked at the ground, and Raven snickered.
"Imma take you upstairs, and get you into some new clothes," she motioned towards Ravens ripped and dirty jeans, and her dirty sweater "then you can take a shower, and have dinner, you'll stay in the guest bedroom, cause I ain't got no idea how long we finna be waiting for Jason to come back" She looked to Rico "And yo dumba** finna be sleeping on the couch" then she turned around and started walking towards the winding staircase that led to the second floor. God, Ravens life had become crazy.


~Venice Beach

"Where the f*** have you been?" Antuan said to his new ally as they stood on the dark beach.
"I've been searching for you, but you are very hard man to find" Her eyes glinted in the moonlight and he could feel them piercing through his soul. It was unpleasant, but not important.
"Yeah, lady, that's kind of the point. I had a mission, then I defected from the order, and everyone wants to kill me, so not being found is essential to the operation, you catch my vibe" He holstered his weapon.
"Where's the third savior?" He asked her.
"She's dead, killed by the order, on the night before last. She was my mei mei" They began walking off the beach, the moonlight shining on the two assasins, whose mission was to find the Skye, the chosen one, the girl who could save the multiverse.
"Well lady, I don't know what the f*** me me means, but if she's dead, then she's pretty useless too us, ain't she?" They stepped on the sidewalk, sand in Antuans shoes, and the palm trees swaying from the wind over head.
"Like I said, she was killed by order. Eye for eye. I want to see them fall, I can help you. They killed my family. They want to kill the girl that you care about. She is like your mei mei. I can help." He looked at her, speculating something.
"I still don't understand why you've waited until now to show up, if we're the last two saviors, why didn't you try and find me earlier, before I took on this mission."
She looked into his eyes again. It was creepy.
"It was not neccessary, not until now, when the multiverse is in peril, and we are like... what they call in your universe, the avengers" Antuan suppressed a laugh. No. They were far from the avangers, because the avengers from those old comic books weren't contract killers. But that was once again something that wasn't important.
"Well, if you're gonna help me, you better be ready to get more blood on your hands, because I don't know if you're aware of the fact that every person in the multiverse who knows how to shoot a gun wants to kill me"
"But you are the best, no?" They watched as a high end sports car passed them.
"Doesn't matter how good I am when there's a infinite number of people trying to kill me, home girl. There's always someone who's going to be better. Someone someday is going to kill me. It's just a game of how long I can prolong that."



Oh my god. I was freaking out. I ran down the steps after her, calling her name, but she was already gone. Holy sh** this was all my fault, I put the whole operation in danger! What if someone caught her and killed her? I had to find her!
I ran back inside and put on my basketball shoes, and then ran to Ramseys room and opened the door.
"She's gone!" I yelled.
"Then go get her" He replied, completely unphased by what I had just said.
"Don't you understand?"
"Yes, quite well actually, this was your fault, but I trust that you will fix the situation, with the understanding that if you don't there will be dire consequences for the entire multiverse, do you not?" I didn't have time for this! I just closed the door and ran as fast as I could. I had to fix this!

Authors Note~
I'm only writing this because... I don't know... I feel like the story needs to see it's completion. Sadly there's only one person who reads the entire thing but wtvr. Better than nothing. And maybe I'll actually write something useful or good one day. Who knows. Cheers!

-Noel Styles

Thanks to @savage_water for letting me use their art. :)
Thanks to @a0cOoLbOyCoLoMbO for reading the entire series (so far) and encouraging me to write part two even when I didn't want to. Much Love!
Thanks to myself for being my own editor. Lowkey if anyone wants that job that pays 0 Dalc an hour, hit me up.