FM master05 Lichess coach picture

FM Arun Dixit

Chess and fun are not mutually exclusive!

Location United States
LanguagesEnglish (US), हिन्दी, हिंदी
RatingFIDE: 2279270025492670
Hourly rate$40
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Hello everyone! My name is Arun Dixit and I'm a FIDE Master from the United States. I'm 18 years old and currently attend the University of California, Berkeley. Chess has been my biggest passion for a very long time, and I hope to share my knowledge of the game with others. Apart from playing chess, I enjoy hanging out with friends, reading comics, drinking green tea, watching movies, and writing poetry.

Playing experience

I've been playing chess for 13 years now, since 2010! Chess can be difficult sometimes, but those that persevere are always rewarded in the long run. Throughout the journey, I've taken first place at 10+ major tournaments and won several "brilliancy" prizes. I became a National Master in 2020, Candidate Master in 2022, and FIDE Master in 2022. I intend to continue playing in competitive events, with the goal of becoming an International Master or Grandmaster within the next couple of years.

Teaching experience

From 2020 to 2022, I was the coach for many talented juniors in the Greater Sacramento area. Many have won prestigious statewide tournaments and earned distinguished chess titles. However, I want to broaden my base and help not just people from the Greater Sacramento area, but the whole world! That's why I've opened this coach profile on Lichess.

Other experiences

I served as the president of the chess club at my high school from 2019 to 2023. I also worked as a self-employed private chess coach from 2020 to 2022. However, I'm proudest of my two-year service as a special needs chess instructor at WeEMBRACE, a nonprofit that assists individuals with intellectual disabilities.

Best skills

With regards to chess, I am most comfortable with dynamic, but sound positions. I will often employ unconventional openings, including the Kopec system, to throw my opponents off guard. Tactics are definitely my forte, though I don't consider myself weak at all in positional nuances! As a coach, I am almost always in a lighthearted mood. People that know me often describe me as friendly, humorous, respectful, and patient. I can assure you that I am the least stressful person in the world to be around! :)

Teaching methodology

I center my lessons around what works best for the student. Classes will usually begin with 2-3 imaginative chess studies, featuring significant concepts the student can learn from. After this, we will work on openings, particularly those which the student wishes to learn more about and play in OTB tournaments. Towards the end of the lesson, we will analyze the student's recent games and I will provide insights on how to improve. Consistent with my teaching methodology, I do not assign homework but rather instruct the student to revise material covered in class.