
Is Chess A Waste Of Time?

"When I visited Morphy’s grave on a trip to New Orleans, I couldn’t help but think that, with the benefit of hindsight, the decision to abandon chess had been a blunder."

I enjoyed this article. I feel that the above is meaningless though, you can't apply hindsight when deciding if something was a blunder or not.

I think I would side with Einstein on this one. If there was some fantastical offer where you could either become a great scientist or a great chess player, then great scientist is the obviously more rounded answer. Of course life doesn't make offers like this anyway, and most people attain neither or never could have attained either.

I also think that relatively a lot of people up to college age could pursue chess careers (ie are strong players who could join the chess ecosystem as teachers and writers, not likely to be world class) but choose not to.
answer : of course. (had to waste some of my time to respond here)
what we mainly get from chess :
- temporary pleasure caused by the hormones released by the body when playing chess
- some self satiscaction because of some glory we get when we win or from people around us (that we beat) or from some titles
- for the good ones, they can make a living out of it

what we give in return :
- time (a large amount) we can do good things to others or to improve our life
- energy (physical, mental, sometimes emotional ...)
- sometimes even more (relationship, other funs
Brilliant article
Thoroughly enjoyed reading it!!
A lot of interesting ideas in this post.
I get what Bronstein is saying: Artists basically get to draw pictures and be left alone. It looks peaceful and fun. They don't have to learn the Sicilian then wonder if they should just play ...e5.

A few minutes ago, I might have played the most artistic chess game of my life. I was extremely nervous during and after the game, and I'm still a little nervous as I'm writing this post. It was stressful (made me question my play against what I thought was an unsound opening).

Very helpful article! Still, doesn't say exactly if it is or isn't a waste of time-I guess cause it's different for every person.