
leaderboard by country (feature request )

As an avid user of Lichess and a proud member of the chess community in my country, Nigeria, I have often found myself pondering about the presence of fellow countrymen on the platform. Recently, discussions within our national groups have revolved around identifying the top-rated Lichess players in Nigeria. However, despite our efforts, it has proven challenging to compile an accurate list due to the absence of a dedicated country leaderboard.

Hence, I propose the integration of a country leaderboard feature into the community tab on Lichess. This feature would allow users to easily discover and connect with players from their own country, fostering a stronger sense of camaraderie and competition. Moreover, it would provide a platform for national chess federations and organizations to track the progress of their players and identify potential talents.

Here are a few compelling reasons why adding a country leaderboard would be beneficial:

Community Building: A country leaderboard would bring together players from the same country, facilitating interaction, friendly competition, and the exchange of knowledge and strategies.

National Pride: Being able to see fellow countrymen ranked among the top players on Lichess would instill a sense of pride and motivation within the community, encouraging players to strive for excellence.

Talent Identification: National chess federations and organizations could use the country leaderboard as a tool for identifying and nurturing talented players, potentially leading to the discovery of future champions.

Organizational Benefits: Having a centralized platform for tracking national player rankings would streamline the organization of national tournaments, team events, and other chess-related activities.

By implementing a country leaderboard feature, Lichess would not only enrich the user experience but also contribute to the growth and development of the global chess community. I believe this addition aligns perfectly with Lichess's mission of making chess accessible to everyone and fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for players of all backgrounds.

Thank you for considering my suggestion. I am confident that the integration of a country leaderboard would be met with enthusiasm from users around the world.
as explained in the link you posted the possibility of players picking any flag wouldnt be prevalent and/or turn out to be an issue in such listings

its like saying lets not have chat functionality because "accounts on lichess can say whatever disturbing/disrespectful thing they want."
@glbert said in #5:
> people can downvote me all they want, but i am just the messenger here. the idea is not new, and the devs declined to implement it before.
yes correctly said
however that seem to based that on issues that have already being addressed here
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@Ayodele_SF said in #3:
> its like saying lets not have chat functionality because "accounts on lichess can say whatever disturbing/disrespectful thing they want."

It's not. Chatting is an essential feature, leaderboards by countries is not. You wouldn't go as far as saying "chess shouldn't be played on a chess website because some people cheat"
@Cedur216 said in #8:
> It's not. Chatting is an essential feature, leaderboards by countries is not. You wouldn't go as far as saying "chess shouldn't be played on a chess website because some people cheat"

i am not comparing essential features, i am only stating that the issue why he is saying it wouldnt work isnt that big of an issue to prevent implementation of the feature(as the pros does outweight the cons)

plus i intend to work on this feature myself. this is the described way to go about it by the lichess documentation
The Idea is very good, but what to do for people with several nationalities or several federations? Moreover, in the case of very populated countries, the leaderboard will not be of much use since who will go to the lengths to look for people of their level because there would be so many people. and as in the merchant navy, there are people who would deliberately choose flags of convenience to be ranked 1st. the idea is good, but it would be necessary to allow Lichess to access the IP and the exact position to provide honest leaderboards, and this is not Lichess policy

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