
i love life but i dont like the world

life is an amazing experience,the world kind of sucks though,its as if we are trapped to suffer and we ask for more suffering,everyone is scared of being happy almost including me
why did we turn the world into such a mess?we created systems that lead to suffering
There are certain types of personalities. They can be found in certain clusters. And one of these clusters contains a personality that is out to maximize its output. To maximize your output, you cannot care about other people if your only task is to become as powerful and rich as possible in this world. This type of personality is often ahead of others in our society because society is built on this principle. Anyone who studies business will quickly realize that the maximum principle applies there too. The whole idea of business is created for these kind of individuals. In short: the cause of all ills is that most of society is built on this maximxum principle.
@Oportunist said in #2:
> why did we turn the world into such a mess?we created systems that lead to suffering

Honestly, I think if every country had a direct democracy the amount of suffering in the world decrease massively. The UK is second biggest arms dealer in the world, and very few people in the country would ever vote for to subsidise arms exports, which is an active government industrial policy.
@SlowBerserk said in #3:
> There are certain types of personalities. They can be found in certain clusters. And one of these clusters contains a personality that is out to maximize its output. To maximize your output, you cannot care about other people if your only task is to become as powerful and rich as possible in this world. This type of personality is often ahead of others in our society because society is built on this principle. Anyone who studies business will quickly realize that the maximum principle applies there too. The whole idea of business is created for these kind of individuals. In short: the cause of all ills is that most of society is built on this maximxum principle.

What kind of life experience create personalities who doesnt care and would do anything for power?i think the problem lies there
@Oportunist said in #1:
> life is an amazing experience,the world kind of sucks though,its as if we are trapped to suffer and we ask for more suffering,everyone is scared of being happy almost including me
Idk I am not suffering I am actually enjoying life
@TPT2010 said in #6:
> Idk I am not suffering I am actually enjoying life

Good for you,you are lucky
@HiramHolliday said in #8:
> I am rich, so I can laugh at the peasants.

Rich laugh at peasents,peasents laugh at rich,the way rich dress and are incapable of doing simple things,laughin is no problem,but please dont show ur laughter to them,that might hurt their feelings
This thread turned too political,i was expecting more philosophical stuff,but its my fault mentioning abaut systems

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