
I think its a bug in the hardest puzzles

Hi guys , It seems that there is a bug in lichess hardest puzzles because when we loss a puzzle then in hardestpuzzles only the puzzle rating minus like 1 to 5 and its 600 plus our rating but now its also minus above 20 when we loss and the position are sometimes the puzzle's rating is also less the ours , Plz fix this bug !
This has happened to me but I don't really think it's a bug because there's a lichess function that When a player doesn't do puzzles for some time, then even in the normal puzzles we lose more rating than usual and even get more rating than usual. That's why I think that it's not a bug just a lichess function that is for punctuality of players while practicing. But I also think that it is maybe a glitch or a bug cs I lost 20 Points in hardest puzzle! And the rating of that puzzle was around 2530 but my rating was 2500! This also happened to me in harder and normal mode. Like if it happens in easier or easiest then I understand that it happens that we get less and lose more in easier and easiest but if it happens in harder, normal or even hardest, it's not acceptable. If it is written that it is 300 or 600+ then why it's only 30 points more?
If it is really a bug or a glitch, I think that Lichess should fix it.

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