
Issue with donation/Patron

I am/was a Patron since 2016 (I guess) donating (5$ per month) via Paypal. In April this year I forgot to update my credit card information at Paypal because it has expired.
After having received a notification from lichess, that my Patron accound has expired, I more or less immediately renewed it - now donating (5$ per month) not via Paypal, but directly via credit card.
According to my bank the first booking was successful 24th of April - I got my patron status back. The next booking was on the 21st of May. I have seen this at lichess in my donation history as well - and had the wings.
Today (29.05.) I again got a message, that my Patron account has expired - only a week after my last donation. I did not touch since having renewed/changed the donation method in April.
I am wondering if something went wrong... ;-)
Thanks for lichess and taking care!
Hi pemo, please email this to and we'll sort it out.
Hi thibault,
sure. I just sent it to


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