
GM Magnus Carlsen account is for real?

May be he'd like too, but I'm sure the 1st consideration is schedule and prior commitments. These guys are playing almost non-stop in Events about the globe nowadays. The Club Matches are big this month.
thibault has said lichess will never pay endorsements to the professional players. Everybody is the same here. I doubt Magnus would be any exception.
I expect he will play here, having made an account, and most likely will find the ease of play and the interface to his liking.
I am sure he will. Why would he have made an account if he had not intended to play?
I am pretty sure it is the real Magnus. Look at his bullet, blitz and classical ratings. 2800 provisional! It seems incredible. I hope he does play on this site regularly.
This 2800 provisional rating seems a bit strange.
He hasn't played any games yet.
No problem , of course , he is the world champion!
Surely he will get above 3,000 easi!y.
Its a two day old account.

I too am not convinced :l=


Thats really cute.
Lichess gave him a 2800 rating to start with? Lol.
0 Games.
2800 rating.

Thats a bit of a slap in the face even if it is really Magnus.

Shouldnt he have to get his rating like everyone showing his skills? Of course, I understand; he already has (assuming its him)
But; not here.

Would be like Michael Jordan joining a pickup basketball game and the refs decide that he gets to start with 100 points because hey; we all know hes the best anyway.
The ratings here are only for matchmaking purposes. They don't give you any advantage in the game of chess.

I'm more curious about the verification process of tilted player. What's the most common method used for verification and if you get to talk to the players on Skype, what do you talk about, what do they say etc. ?
GM Magnus Carlsen has 0 games on lichess. The account may not have been created by Magnus himself but maybe by the admins in the hope that he would come playing one day (?) A clarification by the admins would be welcome. It is a common practice for chess clubs and chess websites to invite titled players and give them full membership even before they play their first game, and even if they do not visit the club/website. Having a titled player is a huge publicity for the club/website. However world-class GMs are very very busy and generally need to give priority to remunerated activities. Which professional chess player can afford to leisurely play online chess? I wonder. Anyway, if you catch Magnus actually playing here, please report the experience!

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