
Titled Arena Announcement(s)

@UltraSlarken said in #8:
> You should change the form permissions such that people do not need a toxic privacy-invasive Google account to fill it out. Not everybody has Google accounts.
Then people would be able to spam the Google form without repercussions since Lichess has no idea who they are.
@InkyDarkBird said in #15:
> Then people would be able to spam the Google form without repercussions since Lichess has no idea who they are.

1) There is no incentive to spamming such a form. Don't worry, botnets aren't coming after Lichess
2) This is lichess, emphasis on li, as in libre. Having the platform running on totally FOSS software is obviously a large part of the lichess ethos. This is not We should not be pushing people towards monopolistic big tech overlords.
3) Lichess still has no idea who people are, even with a Google account. Spammers can still abuse this form even with Google accounts.
4) Filtering out spam is a small price to pay.
99% of lichess users have no chance of winning so what is the problem?

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