
The Golden Question You Should Ask Before Resigning

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I have this personal question I ask myself before resigning. My question is: "Would Magnus Carlsen be able to beat me with my position? "

I know that I won't play the same moves as Magnus, but if I expect he could beat me with my pieces, then why should I resign? A good example is when I have a king and my opponent has king + queen. Would Magnus be able to beat me in this position? The answer is no. I will resign a game whenever the answer to that question flips over to no.

Basically the same method you described but with Magnus instead of a coach :D
In my first tournament back in the 90's I think it was something like I had a knight and a pawn and my opponent just a knight, but I blundered my knight and seeing that I'm down in material (I only had a pawn and my opponent a knight), I resigned. Of course my opponent scolded me that it was a draw, lol.
Yes and Yes, I Play Always till the End, except very rare cases. that actually not only because I hate loosing, it's because I wasnt to express Myself and reveal the thing that pushed Me to a loose somehow
Good post + interesting background story - thanks.
ques. Shouldn't we also have a good look at the position and see if there is a chance to manufacure Stalemate?
I fully understand your (good) question but a secondary question might be: "Is there any chance of stalemate?"
Thanks again!
This is such a good advice . I would always resign when I am a piece or queen(!) down(this happened to me in a tournament just recently where I blundered my queen)