
How do you improve your chess ?

I gave away a book written by IM Silman that I had. It is not for me. Can't get my head around it. Some of it is interesting to read but I'm starting to see the word "imbalance" everywhere.

Today I got "Pump up your rating" by IM Alex Smith, a book I was curious about since some time. Looks fancy !

I wondered which chess books you are reading to study ?
And how do you work on improving your chess ?
Do you follow a strict study plan ?
Do you have a chess coach or a sparring partner ?
Are you playing in otb tourneys and chessclubs ?
Are you using chess training software (Like Steps method tutor) ?

Since a few months ago I have the luxury that I analyse games every week with an old chess master.

Sort of random free chess coaching :)

But it is like a nice puzzle. He sometimes sees things very sharply, but in other positions I can show him interesting moves as well.

I also saw that there's an interesting chess study app for Android phones (Chess: From beginners to club players or smth like that), but I have not gotten around how to install it (I'm not uses to using smartphones. Do I really need a Google account to install it ?).

I've written some more here :

This weekend I'm playing in an otb tourney. Wish me luck ;-)
I wondered which chess books you are reading to study ?

- Ironically, "A Complete Endgame Course" by IM Silman!

And how do you work on improving your chess ?

- I watch A TON of chess videos (ChessNetwork, ChessExplained, Matojelic, KingsCrusher, ChessBrahs, JohnBatholomew, and more!). I also play a fair amount of games within my schedule and analyze them using Stockfish.

Do you follow a strict study plan ?

- No. Very relaxed, casual learning.

Do you have a chess coach or a sparring partner ?

- I have an 1900 rated friend at my university that I spar against. I win some, I lose some.

Are you playing in otb tourneys and chessclubs ?

- I am yet to partake in OTB tournaments. I should! I go to chess club twice a week while in school.

Are you using chess training software (Like Steps method tutor) ?

- Nope. An interesting one I recently discovered is called "Chesscademy:"

Do I really need a Google account to install it ?

- If the application is from the Google PlayStore, then yes. Very easy to create an account. very useful as well.
Nice list Masquerade ! :)
Good to hear you play otb chess as well.
I only follow my intuition in each game.
More games I play, more I learn.
I wondered which chess books you are reading to study ?

-Dont like reading.

And how do you work on improving your chess ?

- Playing, every 2 weeks training from a master(2300) + once a week on the club from a master(2200)

Do you follow a strict study plan ?

- No.

Do you have a chess coach or a sparring partner ?

- No.

Are you playing in otb tourneys and chess clubs ?

-once a month in regional league.
-twice a year a big week long tournament.
-every 3 weeks on a club (1 long game)
-every 2 weeks on a club (1 long game)
-every week on a club (3 rapid 15 min)

Are you using chess training software (Like Steps method tutor) ?

- No.

P.S achja is the tournament you are going to Groningen schaakfestival?
i play otb as much as i can around 2-4 tournaments a month. i practice for around 2 and a half to 3 hours a day, which consists of tactics opening work and endgame practice. the pump up your rating book is extremely useful and helpful, i have it aswell, another book i would reccomend is bobby fischer 60 memorable games. make sure your openings are up to date on theory, i reccomend knowing around 15-25 moves deep in that opening is good an enough and finally, look at peoples games like mikhail tal, kasparov etc and see how they create tactical sequences out of nothing and how they wait for their opponents to make a mistake and then strike. i hope this helped you
@DaanNoordenbos #7
Great to hear you get training from a chess master !

And the tourney I'm going to is a blitz championship tourney in Amsterdam.
Years ago I sometimes played in weekend tourneys but I found the schedule quite tiring physically.
I did play a few times in Dieren Open, which was quite fun. 1 game per day, and staying at the camping.
Perhaps it is an idea for me to play at TataSteel in January if there's still seats available.
Are you going to play in TataSteel tourney ?
@LM mayweather-money #8

Nice to hear you also use the book Pump up your rating, and you find it very useful.

Years ago I went through Bobby Fischer's book.

The chess master I analyse with, actually said this week to me that Fischer's games are good to study because he has a crystal clear style.

Thanks for the suggestions ! :)

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