
Puzzle rating: what's the point?

There's no setting that I can find to have Lichess serve me highly rated puzzles. So what's the point of the rating system?
What are you asking exactly?

Do you want puzzles that are high rated?


puzzles that were 'up' voted by other users?

If it is the first option then you must raise your rating so that you can higher rated puzzles.

If it is the second option, then there no setting (that I know of) that gives you only puzzles with high up-vote count. Up-vote prob controls the probablity of you getting the said puzzle but I'm not quite sure.
Atm my tactics rating is above 2500, but still most puzzles I get is in the 2200-2300 range (setting on "hard" of course) My guess is that you will get the most upvoted problems in your ratingarea. For sure there aren't many over 2300, and many prob. do not vote. You should be glad if you get upvoted puzzles, even though they are not at your exact rating. Some of the puzzles is pointless to the degree that basicly every move wins, but only the computer can see what the 'best' move is.
#3 correct, puzzle with highest vote-number in your rating-range first.
An option to get random puzzles would be nice (which would affect your rating) and puzzles between specific ratings (which would not affect your rating).

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