
The opening explorer needs fixing

It shows moves that lead to a known position, not moves that have actually been played. Makes not much sense and may even be counterintuitive for less experienced players. For instance here:

The explorer gives 8.Nbd2 as the main move by far, although it is actually a poor move. But how recognize this when you are a beginner, see this and think "yup, looks like normal development"? Black has already misplayed the opening, and White should be happy to get Nc3 in, but the opening explorer leads him into the wrong direction.

I could come up with many more of these.
Do you really think, that lichess players know what they're doing in every position?
Nobody does. I don't get your question.

I do think that when you give people a database with master games it should show the moves the masters have played.
You can set it eighter to master games or to lichess games, or both.
The lichess database shows what people on lichess have played.
You can find some interesting ideas on here, but there's also lots of rubbish.
Sorry, but it seems you don't get it. I am talking about the database with top level games, and i am not talking about what people play but about the moves it shows. Which are different, there is a logical flaw in the explorer's function.
I totally understand you and I agree. Only the moves that were actually played should be shown.
I assume the Opening Explorer just searches master games for the given position and ignores the exact move order. The position after 8.Nbd2 has been reached far more often than that after 8.Nc3 due to transposition.

I agree that it can be misleading.

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