
Time Sandbagging

Played against a guy who took forever on nearly every move letting his time run to less than 10 seconds then suddenly could blitz out everymove the rest of the game. He seems to do this in almost all of his games. I want to report the guy, because this obviously seems like sandbagging to me, but I am not sure since his isn't intentionally loosing. is this something against TOS? I don't mind loosing, I do it a lot, but I have a problem with players who misrepresent their skill level just to get some easy wins.
‘His isn’t intentionally loosing’ then its not sandbagging.Don’t waste your time reporting that guy as I’m pretty sure its not against the TOS. Its up to him how long he spends on every move.
He is just doing "Legal time handicap".
Some people do "positional handicap- e.g 1. e4 e5 2. Ke2).

It is disrespectful but still within legal rules. If you dont like him, block him.

sorry I didnt mean to type that comment my brother was on my account and he was making random comments

sorry @RunThePawns I didnt mean to offend you
IMHO it is pointless to ask this kind of questions in the forum. Other users do not know more than you.
If you report, someone who *has* clue about thw TOS and their meaning will check the case, and if this person decides there is nothing wrong then neither you nor the reported one has any disadvantage.

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