
Analysis improvements


I will add my voice to the chorus whining that it would be nicer if the actual moves were centred with one move per row, with the analysis shown in left-justified paragraphs ... but I couldn't begin to tell you how to accomplish that!
Come to think of it, the following enhancement has struck me as desirable for some time; and the time is right to mention it since Thibault is poking around in this section of the code anyway...

At present, I believe that the threshold for a dubious move is 50 centipawns, with 100 centipawns being the threshold for a mistake.

These are appropriate for my skill level on most occasions, but sometimes (not as often as I would like!) I've managed to play a perfect game - if the analysis is to be believed. Additionally, I suspect that for lower rated players, these thresholds are too low, leaving an analysis so cluttered with notation that the didactic value is lost.

Therefore, I think it would be useful if the requesting user be permitted to set these thresholds himself, or alternatively that they be assigned by the analysis routines on the basis of the ratings of the players involved.

One other thing, while you're ploughing through this lengthy post: I am often annoyed at the number of errors that are identified in a completely won endgame. If I swap Queens when up a rook, it seems to me rather harsh to call this an error. 'Mate in 7 moves was possible, but white played for mate in 9, which has to be the worst move ever played on lichess and pollutes this fine site!'

Perhaps thresholds could be made somewhat more dynamic, so that, for instance, the threshold for dubious moves is 50 cP when the evaluation is below 2, but 200 cP when the evaluation is above 5.
Thank you for the improvements in game analysis, but, please, could you put back the orange colour on the board showing every wrong move. It was so nice to have this plain view !
I meant, the orange colour showing a better move than ours
i hadn`t noticed the loss of the orange colour. it is actually a good indicator and helps the eyes when analyzing. Again though, the analysis itself is beautiful. ANYONE that has actually studied a chess book will tell you this is the way the layout should be. Good riddance to that 1 move per line nonsense. it is fine for recording but not analysis.
Thank you all for the feedback. At the moment I'm working on charts, to put the analysis thing to perspective, then I'll get back to it.
I love you, Thibault. Thank you very much!
Phenomenal work, Thib. Been here for ages, and the steady improvements have really, really added up. This newest version of the post-game analysis feature is incredible, and it's so useful for helping players to grow.

Thank you, for all of the work you've put in.
The new advantage graph is OUTRAGEOUSLY sexy.

I had an idea. Since you give moves with a value of 0 a green colour, why not give dots with positive values a white colour (indivates for the white player) and negative values a black colour (for black player)?

It would make the graph that much more simple to digest and also make it easier to tell apart who has the advantage when it's very close.

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