
Player quickly claiming victory

Players from Nigeria (and other countries) suffer from poor internet connection so this usually affects players. I was playing a game, a serious tornament game for that mater and i noticed my network wasn't strong enough so i opted to switch to another network on my device. That little time it took to switch network my opponent quickly claimed Victory putting my team points down.
What i suggeat to lichess is that they increase the time in which a player can claim victory or better still let the clock run down. Because this incident has cost my team the prize money for the tournament. Thanks
Reference game
Lichess ban me for 7 mins because of network lag
Game reference below

It's not fun playing against people with poor network either. I thought you could only claim victory after like 100 seconds?
Its on u to make sure ur connection stays for the entirety of the game.
Reconnection time in blitz is between 20 and 30 seconds and it's a standard time to face disconnections. Switching network mid-game is certainly not a smart idea.

And the sky is blue...
Why point out something that is already clear to the user themself. They simply had no choice in this instance.
I am not advocating for any of the proposed solutions, but sometimes giving no answer is better than an empty answer.
Sorry to hear about the internet difficulties. However, I think especially in an Arena tournament, which this was, stalling another player for the full five minutes is not a good solution. I'm personally not a fan of arena tournaments for this reason, but there's an advantage to beating your opponent early, or even in resigning early; it's part of the format. I think your recommendation could make sense in, eg., Swiss tournaments.

I might be mistaken, but your team lost 59 to 28, so did this one game really impact the outcome?
@bunsky said in #7:
> I think your recommendation could make sense in, eg., Swiss tournaments.

Swiss tournaments anyway doesn't have claim win feature. Even if your opponent is offline, you have to wait until his clock runs down to zero.
@cFlour said in #8:
> Swiss tournaments anyway doesn't have claim win feature. Even if your opponent is offline, you have to wait until his clock runs down to zero.

Makes sense! In that case, IMHO nothing needs to be changed
@Whitedancingrockstar said in #6:
> #5
> And the sky is blue...
> Why point out something that is already clear to the user themself. They simply had no choice in this instance.
> I am not advocating for any of the proposed solutions, but sometimes giving no answer is better than an empty answer.

I don't see how that is an empty answer. I provided the reconnection times for blitz, which I'm not 100% sure are spot on but I believe are along those lines, which I don't think #1 knew. Then I pointed out that those times are specifically set for reconnections and not switching networks. It is clear that the latter may take longer and therefore could not fall in that time period.
It is an unfortunate situation for OP but it's nothing that anybody has never experienced before.

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