
What is point of being alive?

world is mostly made out of pain, who cares, here is no end goal, all are you trying is to find cope mechanism to make it somewhat enjoyable or maybe even good but it is quickly overshadowed by your suffering, what you can afford 2 week free time cool what about other 1 year - 2 weeks time, what working all day tried, stressed and underpressure for what just to die in a next 100 years, I guess humans are really good for finding copes
i guess there is an equal amount of humans, who sees life as an enjoyable walk in the park (das leben ist ein ponyhof). but yeah, its good to reflect on the limited amount of time we have and decide what is worth our time and what is not. working 9 to 5 or more in a job you hate is not a good idea. and survival isnt life. one of the worst ways to live is to convert lifetime into money, thinking that would give it value. so go and give your life meaning. have children, care for others, develop and live your skills and passions, take long walks in the woods (this alone would cure your current thinking) enjoy your chess games.
> What is the meaning of life?
Whatever you make it to be.

> just to die in a next 100 years, I guess humans are really good for finding copes
It's called denial. Or it used to be. I see a small but existent chance that immortality might be feasible within the next 80 years. (See you in 2104!)
also, look at it from another angle like this: its the very mortality, the knowledge of its ending, that gives value/meaning to life and makes every moment, any given time, so very precious. also if the world was perfect, you would not be able to improve it. so the point of life might just be this: decrease suffering of others (isnt that the essence of budhism?) and make the world a little bit better in your own way. and if you still waste too much time to painful things, you probably have not too less but too much time to waste.
Probably not to look for it. and to explore everything and get all kinds of pleasures from life
@littlelychee said in #4:
> I see a small but existent chance that immortality might be feasible within the next 80 years. (See you in 2104!)

But if all that one can do is mope, how will that make for an improvement?
Focus on enjoying the journey, not the destination and keep moving.
@xDoubledragon said in #1:
> world is mostly made out of pain, who cares, here is no end goal, all are you trying is to find cope mechanism to make it somewhat enjoyable or maybe even good but it is quickly overshadowed by your suffering, what you can afford 2 week free time cool what about other 1 year - 2 weeks time, what working all day tried, stressed and underpressure for what just to die in a next 100 years, I guess humans are really good for finding copes

Is it not the lack of an end goal that gives life meaning? If life had an end goal and I reached it quickly, then what am I supposed to do? Die? The fact that there is no end goal gives an ongoing journey with many small and big milestones along the way.

Don't cope. If you need to vent, do it. If you need to take a break, take it. Don't wait around trying to cover things up because it's only going to hurt you in the long run. Don't make it "enjoyable" if you're only forcing yourself.

On the other hand, is it not the lack of immortality that gives life spontaneity and makes it precious?

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