
Are you scared of darkness?

when its totally dark,do you get scared walking araund?
Not at all.
As an aside I used to camp with my friends,all grown men and it was amusing to see who got nervous as night began to fall and I delayed lighting the campfire.
Depends on if it is safe or not. Not when my eyes are closed on my bed when I get up from being asleep. Gotta be a little vaguer, kid.
No I am not afraid of the dark or darkness as I have the voice of the Holy Spirit in my head as a friend and guide. xxx
@WassimBerbar said in #5:
> No. I'm a man, not a fraid.

A piece of string walks into a bar ,
Sorry said the barman we don't serve pieces of string in here
So the string walks out ,ties himself up and frays his ends and walks back into the bar .
Barman ,are you a piece of string?
No I'm afraid not xxx
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