
can lichess have more fun features?

@TEJA2506 said in #1:
> Guys what do you think? should lichess have more fun features or variants?? I think lichess should have four player chess like in what do you think?
we should have more but we cant just copy's idea
For reference:

I especially love all the features introduced last year around puzzles and blogging.

And I also agree with the idea of "not just copy that other website". Indeed, every time I read "lichess should do X" and X sounds to me like "stop being lichess", I feel a friendly reminder is necessary that lichess is open source and not only you can request features but also forks can and have been made to create other variants and games servers based on this powerful base. Not to mention other beautiful projects that are also open source and not based on but "friendly" to lichess, as the mentioned pychess.

Just saying maybe bughouse or 4player chess find their way somewhere, not here. As a chess player, my interest in them is not enough to start such a project, but as a software developer you may likely count with my contributions if someone does.
The only real 4 player chess variant is Bughouse.
would actually be amazing to be able to play fog of war chess on lichess
Maybe. He more features, the better, as long as it doesn't hinder the site
the new ANARCHY chess set is super cool but I find nothing sexie in it in the github forum where he posted his new ANARCHY set
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Hmm...That is also true we do need insane amount of money. but can lichess add something that is "NOT" in other websites? like it has crazy house chess 960 and all why can't it add more simple chess variants that doesn't break the rules??

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