
How Much Does a Chess Grandmaster Make? - 5 Proven Ways

I think for companies ran by GMs; ChessMood could also be mentioned since GM Avetik and GM Gabzyan have founded it, as far as I know.
@AyaanshGaur12 said in #2:
> I think for companies ran by GMs; ChessMood could also be mentioned since GM Avetik and GM Gabzyan have founded it, as far as I know.
Thanks! I will add ChessMood in the next edit
Great post! Can you write about same idea but what if I'm just IM or FM?
@nikhildixit said in #1:
> Comments on
"Most of the open events have total prizes of $10k-$25k where 1st prize is between $2k-$5k"

In Europe most tournaments have a first prize of around 1k$. Last I played an open tournament in Czechia with a first prize of 400$. Only the biggest opens in Europe have a first prize of 2k$ (in my country none exists). Professional chess has collapsed completely in the last decade in Europe. Prizes have been the same for the last 3 decades while life became x times more expensive. Indian players have accelerated this process and now almost no Western player thinks of becoming a professional.
@nikhildixit said in #1:
> Comments on
"Many countries provide stable government jobs and scholarships for IMs and GMs."

Not in the West. Most countries here don't even consider chess a sport. In fact some companies don't like chessplayers as they spend too much time at chess. Chess is considered as a waste of time so I am not even mentioning on my CV that I am a fidemaster. Yes it is pretty sad and only the very passionate players don't quit.
@vlad4719 said in #4:
> Great post! Can you write about same idea but what if I'm just IM or FM?
Yes, I think you'd make a accurate post on how much does an FM make, being one. I would like more posts on how much does Titled Players/Masters (other ones)!
@mvhk said in #7:
> Chess is considered as a waste of time so I am not even mentioning on my CV that I am a fidemaster. Yes it is pretty sad and only the very passionate players don't quit.

I would definitely give you a plus for a FM title on your resume. It wouldn't matter too much to me, but many people have a "hobbies" section, and chess is definitely no worse that what people usually put there (travel, cooking, whatever).

Being a chess master at least shows you can think ahead and have the dedication to stick to something.
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