
Analysis feature request: Full local analysis

Hey all!

My motivation for this: While I'm realistically probably not going to hit the limit of 40 server analyses per day, I would like to take load off of Lichess's servers and onto my local machine because I'd like to support them by keeping their bills lower, even if just by a small amount.

After using the local analysis tool for a bit, I noticed that clicking through all moves and waiting for a moment on each move seems to have similar abilities to using the server analysis. But the results of this are displayed in a much more limited way. It still seems to be able to judge blunders and adjust the evaluation bar accordingly, highlight the best move, etc - it just doesn't display this in the sidebar (as "Blunder. ... was best") or on an evaluation graph (the graph that shows the evaluation over time, on the bottom of the screen).

What I propose is to have a second button that runs through all moves and analyzes them locally, then displays the results similarly to the online analysis. With a decent computer, I don't think this would even take that long, given how quickly I can get results by going over each move with my arrow keys.

If this is not possible, please correct me of course. But I don't really see how it would be.
It would be also nice if evaluations from local engine could be saved into a study.

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