
For people who play slow chess

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@TheKingClash said in #3:
> Sometimes in slow chess, after a really long endgame both players have only two minutes left on the clock, and I feel it is time-consuming to hit the confirmation button Every time.
yep even i do think so
is there a way to make this just for rapid/classical/correspondence but not blitz/bullet?
@edotic said in #5:
> is there a way to make this just for rapid/classical/correspondence but not blitz/bullet?

You can select correspondence only, but not distinguish for classical and rapid.
Premoves will be played without confirmation is you have premoves selected.
If this works for you that's just fine. In my opinion, the only real way to solve mouse slips is to just stop making them. In other words: practice at using your mouse (or whatever input device you use) correctly.

I can honestly say I haven't made a mouse slip in years.

PS: I play mostly rapid / classical.
I am only comfortable with confirmation in daily games (corespondents) but not other games.

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