
Which side would you prefer?

I would see the game first and then play with computer level 5 and then prefer the winning side😉
I would definately prefer the side with 2 pawns and a bishop.
Also, @ZwischenzugX11 you can see the position here.
FEN: R7/K7/8/8/6b1/6k1/6pp/8 w - - 0 1
Easy wins for black!

I think you are confusing me with DrZwischenzug, I didn't ask for the position, I said I choose the winning side.
The position you shared is a draw if played perfectly!
Also, you said B + 2P vs R but there are 3 more pawns with Black.
If it transforms into the ending with all exchanges, then Black would win which White wouldn't want. So, White will avoid exchanges.
I would say that in most cases bishop and two pawns because the king will promote the pawns while the bishop attacks.

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