
Recommend me a crazy opening

It only seems crazy. But it is the future. I'm not kidding.

Who cares if you're not kidding, Noflaps? You're only about 1800.

I know, I know. It seems arrogant for me to claim anything about chess with any pretense of authority.

But I'm nevertheless correct.

The Hippopotamus reveals the future of chess, like no other opening.

For humans, at least.

I take solace in the fact that I'm much better at some other things than chess. And I'm aging rapidly, which helps to explain the chess.

Seriously. The Hippo is a really strong opening. Which has barely begun to get the credit it deserves.

I could, of course, be wrong. We'll see.
It's a bullet game. But still, another opportunity to shamelessly advertise my favorite opening. Behold the Duras.

Does starting the first move with a blunder and checkmating a 2700 count as crazy? :)

@sgtlaugh, it doesn't advertise a mere opening.

You walked into the fire with a giant and you were the one who emerged.

Beating a 2700 at bullet?


That is an astonishing, life-marking accomplishment.

It takes rare skills properly (for that purpose, at least) and diligently applied, for a long time, to reach 2700. And to BEAT such a scholarly warrior?

It's something nearly none of us will ever experience.

I toast you. With this very beer. On a Friday evening.

And deservedly so.
@Noflaps its really not that impressive to get a win against a 2700 in bullet. I mean sure it’s a gg but it’s definitely not a life marking accomplishment
Baloney on rye. It is INDEED a highly impressive accomplishment to beat a 2700 at ANY form of chess under ANY circumstances.

I would not lavish all those pixels on capital letters were it not so.

2700 has got to be in the 99.9999th percentile of chess players. And that might even underrate it.

If I ever beat a 2700 I'd buy sirloins for my hounds and the adult beverages would flow like excuses from a politician.

I would feel positively pushwoodian!

Or, I guess I should say, I'd feel positively sgtlaughian!
I mean, i've played a few bongclouds in blitz. And won.
If you were to just transpose into an ending from any opening, as shown #18, crazy openings might serve you better than normal openings.
It's all about the king activity

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