
Antichess Offline Game

I was going to ask what engine you use, but then I looked at the video and I see that it is much weaker than any of the ones that I am familiar with. White played 1.e4 and the engine as black lost!?
The video is just for demo purpose :) It has a strong in-house engine! Please check it out.
"No data shared with 3rd parties"
"No data collected"

Thats a very good game!
@ProgrammerAngrim said in #5:
> Why would you not use the real engine for the demo video?
I think he has showed us a game for "offline mobile" with the engine that offline game has :) - if he made it himself (popoko) i am very proud - nonetheless i have some spare phones without mobile or wifi that i cannot find use for (to give it to somebody for use) so its a very nice idea!

In Poland one master player from the first OTB (Over the board) ACWC 2001 that was held in Switzerladn AFAIR also has some made by him engine to prepare for games. Like Nilatac (cataliN) :)

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