
Try guessing the defense!

Here try and guess the defense here's a clue it's the opposite of auto __________________ defense
btw Im white
NF3,NC3,PD4,PE4 that's it!
@Aaravsharma2012 said in #1:
> Here try and guess the defense here's a clue it's the opposite of auto __________________ defense
> Here:
> btw Im white
> NF3,NC3,PD4,PE4 that's it!
It... doesn't have a name. It's just big fat center control.
The opposite of auto-erotic defense?

Would that be the Carradine attack?
@clousems Wow, very obscure reference. I never paid attention to the death of actor David Carradine, but supposedly auto-erotic asphxiation ?

"Kwai Chang Caine - snatch the pebble from my hand !"
@ambrooks said in #7:
> @clousems Wow, very obscure reference. I never paid attention to the death of actor David Carradine, but supposedly auto-erotic asphxiation ?
> "Kwai Chang Caine - snatch the pebble from my hand !"

Yup-- I'm a fountain of random references :)

FYI, in order for it to be a true Carradine, you have to have a hanging pawn.

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