
Adult learning/improvement in chess

Is there any way that I can have the same 500 puzzles rated between 1500 and 2000 on a loop until I can remember 70/80% of them and then change the loop?
I know that your UI does not facilitate this right now but I would like you to consider it in the future ... as it is clear from the woodpecker system and the Dutch steps approach (that is a part of the Dutch school curriculum) that this is a far superior way of learning tactics in comparison to having the same 300,000 + puzzles fired at you one after the other which you forget most of by the time you get past approximately 1000 exercises never mid 300,000 +.

You can remember themes example: battery/back rank checkmate/fork/pin etc but pattern recognition is going to fail in most people post the first 1000 exercises. 2374 on in just a few months and I have done close to 4000 on but I have hit a plateau (rating approximately 2000) and need to take a different approach to break this sticking point. I am aware as I have said that your UI does not facilitate this right now but it is not complicated to do ...
Lichess allows you to repeat failed puzzles from the Puzzle Dashboard, but not loop over a certain set of puzzles.

You can try , this is probably what you are looking for.

Or grab the puzzles and do whatever with your own software: (can be unpacked with PeaZip: unless you prefer a CLI: , 7-zip requires additional codec)
For example with Lucas Chess:
Thank you for the heads up! I will get a friend who is far more UI and computer tech literate to help me with this and I will let you know if we get there. So thank you again ...
There's also this app: (You will need to download and unpack the lichess puzzle db too, like ChessRookie said)

Since the search starts from the beginning of the database, if you set the search result limit to 100, you'll go through the same 100 puzzles every time (but you'll get these 100 in random order).

Since the lichess db is huge, I guess a smaller rating range would be better than the 1500-2000 in your example though, perhaps a range of 100 or 200.
I am not having much luck with this ... can someone walk a computer dullard through this step by step as if I was a 9-year-old? I am middle aged so when it comes to tech I am a 9-year-old. Sorry to be a pain in the arse for the millennials ...
Yours truly Gen-X
@ChessRookie2020 said in #1:
> Is there any way that I can have the same 500 puzzles rated between 1500 and 2000 on a loop until I can remember 70/80% of them and then change the loop?
Exercising puzzles was extremely helpful for me, but without any external advice (I could have asked others, but I didn't) I strictly avoided such a procedure. Imo the point of solving puzzles isn't to memorize the puzzle (and the solution). The point is to become better in detecting critical situations (ah wait, that weak back rank, unprotected piece, whatever.... let's slow down and ponder a bit longer). And you exercise calculation.

Pattern recognition means, that you recognize smthg in a different position.

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