
Optimal Rating Difference for Berserking

Although I'm a low rated player and this really wouldn't apply much to me personally, I was wondering what some of you thought was the optimal rating difference for a stronger player to enable the beserk option. My first thought was that the stronger player should have about a 200 pt advantage, but after some quick & dirty (and probably inaccurate) calculations, it seems it should be much lower than that (like around a 50 point advantage). Or maybe things like player styles, tournament goals & time control , etc. need to be factored in and are far more important than the rating difference. Thoughts?
I'd say you can safely berserk a 300 rating difference with a reasonable win rate. But this depends heavily on your internet connection and reaction time.
Well, I believe that the optimal rating difference for a berserk would be the highest possible, say, 2500. A larger difference always makes it easier to win.

On a side note, I just noticed that the checkmate CAPTCHA does not allow you to select the piece to which to promote a pawn.
I think this is really dependent on what time control you're playing. I think in a 1+0 tournament the difference has to be much much bigger as opposed to in a 5+0.

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