
Ultrabullet is pointless

Yeah you are right @BOB_DYLAN321, classical is much better for improving obviously, I was just saying that UB helped me improve so it isn’t pointless and it actually can help your chess skill sometimes a bit (also it’s very fun)
I’m not playing ultrabullet to improve at chess! I’m playing it because it’s fun and I’m good at it. But I’m just saying, it can help you a bit, even though not as much as classical.
@BOB_DYLAN321 it is, you won't think in a classical game at a real tournament "oh here I can be tricky and play Bg5 to take the queen because he probably premoved !" or "I will give pieces to check him and he will be flagged" "
IT isn't pointless because it is fun. And entertainment isn't pointless. If it was pointless how come you play it and have 2300+ rating @UnSinge2700
But it’s fun and CAN sometimes help you chess skill a bit! Hence it isn’t pointless.
In ultrabullet, apart from dirty tricks, you are basically using your instincts to play with no calculation. . In classical chess, these instincts can help you decide on candidate moves to play, and you can investigate further by calculating and deciding the best move. So yes it can serve as a bad example to play in classical chess, but obviously you wouldn’t be playing like that in a classical game - you’d use all your time and calculate, and look at the position and play what is best for the position!

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