
hardest 1400 puzzle

This puzzle is much about pawn endgame strategy. In this puzzle you have to realize that you have to move your connected passed pawns forward while also letting your king take action and help the pawns to promote. I think if you know basic endgame strategy this is a decent puzzle for 1400 rating.
OP is right, this puzzle is very hard for a 1400 rating.
I agree. Even many 2400 pawn endgame puzzles are easier.
Its hard or easy depending on your knowledge on pawn structures.

Mine is subpar, though my intuition told me which move it was, I decided to go for another one and I failed.

The one I originally thought was the correct one. Yep, its not a 1400 one, but its not above 1800
It's probably 1400 because it works by plain intuition
@Cedur216 said in #8:
> It's probably 1400 because it works by plain intuition
Even my intuition doesn't help as much on this 1400 puzzle.
The concequences of 1...c3 2. Bxc3 bxc3 3. Kxc3 Ka3! is near impossible to calculate
Puzzle themes
Puzzle #BThVZ
Rating: hidden
Played 181 times

From game 3+2 • Blitz
MrPawn66 (2454)
win: 4, loss: 1, draw: 0
IM TacticalMaster (2484)


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