
video games

@sdkman said in #1:
> I always find people saying that they are a waste of time.

Everything not furthering your goals is a waste of time when that time can be use to further said goals.

Reading a novel or something not related to the sport instead of lifting weights is a waste of time for bodybuilders.
Painting is a waste of time for coders, and so forth.

But enjoying the things you like also have a place, and are not necessarily unuseful, as long as it doesnt hurt reaching your goals too much, all is fine.
@sdkman said in #1:
> I always find people saying that they are a waste of time
> That they are useless ....
> But is that really the case
> I mean having breaks and enjoying something can improve productivity
> That aside do games themselves have benefits aside from quick reaction times ...
> I think that moderation in games is good
> But I don't know what to play anyways lol

According to some people, chess is a video game :) So you are playing a video game, and posting on a video game forum right now :)

I don't think they're useless. They certainly do have many uses. On the other hand, getting addicted probably isn't the best thing either.

Pretty much everything is good in moderation (except for obvious cases, like murder). It's just that some things are a lot harder to do in "moderation" once you're hooked on it. It's really just about walking a fine line between passion and addiction if you do get hooked on something :)
Try The Ouroboros King. A chess themed video game :)

If you like challenges, check out VVVVVV. Recently I am playing Slay The Spire a lot. If you want to play horror, Visage is a must try.
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@LordSupremeChess said in #6:
> The one time I tried playing GTA 5, I sucked so bad I couldn’t even make it pass the first stage.
didn't you say that u did not play games tho
@sgtlaugh said in #13:
> Try The Ouroboros King. A chess themed video game :)
> If you like challenges, check out VVVVVV. Recently I am playing Slay The Spire a lot. If you want to play horror, Visage is a must try.
thanks for the recc I'm enjoying this one!
@salmon_rushdie said in #17:
> thanks for the recc I'm enjoying this one!

You're welcome. It's a cool game. I just wish there were more levels and sometimes the AI was smarter. Would be great if you could play against a human.
Yeah, against other players would be brilliant! I could see how it can lose the challenge a bit when you're well versed at chess and are aware of the rather... abusable mechanics :p an AI difficulty slider would be nice (they have one but at 100% by default - it's like 1400-1000 elo relatively I'd guess lol), as I imagine they had to gear it to be beatable by an average human - and who knows maybe the gameplay changes made training a proficient bot more difficult than expected.
@sgtlaugh said in #13:
> Try The Ouroboros King. A chess themed video game :)
> If you like challenges, check out VVVVVV. Recently I am playing Slay The Spire a lot. If you want to play horror, Visage is a must try.
I really recommend you try Phobies, it's a similar game to chess but more complex.

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