
Search "user:JiajinJiang420"

26 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Lichess development#2

Well, if you consider most social media in its development phase, then everything is. Lichess has been around since (I believe) 2010, so it is certainly finished "developing". You could say that for e…

Lichess Feedback - Moderators?#5

@anonmod said in #4: > Because the moderator in question does not want to be known by name. > > I do personally not think it is a good idea that it works the way. But I cannot have everything my way. …

Lichess Feedback - Moderators?#3

Yeah!! That's what I was saying! @anonmod said in #2: > This is not going to change. You are a lichess moderator, but you commented and it says you commented. On most other forum posts though, I only …

Lichess Feedback - Moderators?#1

In some forum posts, when a Lichess Moderator replies it says "A Lichess Moderator" rather than other times it says a normal profile for the moderator. I just think it's a little weird and would like …

General Chess Discussion - Flairs, why did they change it??#1

Don't judge me, but I really don't like flairs. They remind me of for some reason and they fit in horribly because it's a part of the username itself instead of being just a flair like chess…

Lichess Feedback - Lichess removed Pirate flag !? (As well as some others)#3

@SimpleOpposite said in #1: > No more funny flags. Just countries. Give it back! Completely agree. Flags were better. I understand how people might like flairs more but that somehow just screams "ches…

Lichess Feedback - multiple browser tabs open - spectators#2

@travelgirl said in #1: > if you have lichess running in multiple browser tabs (puzzle in one, watching a game, waiting for a tournament, etc), are you a listed spectator in all of them at the same ti…

General Chess Discussion - Closing Account#9

@VulcEridani said in #1: > How many times is it offically allowed to close one's account because they don't want to use the username anymore? @VulcEridani said in #3: > It's self explanatory in the op…

General Chess Discussion - Game with a closed account?#5

@CSKA_Moscou said in #4: > in fact you don't need to set the time control, just write your friend's nickname in the oponents name section, it should work and click search Thank you so much! :D

General Chess Discussion - Closing Account#2

Why, just why!? Just pick an account name that you will be satisfied with, and stop closing your account and re-opening it. What do you mean, they don't want to use the username anymore? You cannot ch…
