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463 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Takeback Feature#2

That's why we need eval chess, a variant where you see the eval bar during the game

Lichess Feedback - "Computer analysis" (fishnet) is weaker compared to local#4

yes it is expected behavior. you let your local analysis get to depth 29, which is way deeper than any server analysis will give you (in an unknown complex position) because it takes time and hardware…

Lichess Feedback - "Computer analysis" (fishnet) is weaker compared to local#2

gonna let others chime in, but of course when you're at depth 29 you're going to be deeper than whatever server analysis you've received (lichess is not going to analyze each move at depth 29, far fro…

Lichess Feedback - A Bug in the 2024 Spring Marathon#7

What #4 meant was that the game started in another window than the one you were looking at (i.e. you might have had several lichess tabs open, and the games started in one of them but you weren't awar…

Lichess Feedback - What does ^ mean in world championship studies?#3

Thanks a lot @b4c4d2 , I bet that's it

Lichess Feedback - What does ^ mean in world championship studies?#1

Some matches are annotated with ^ here: What does it indicate? I can't figure it out, I don't know if I'm missing a footnote or something (I'm viewing on m…

Lichess Feedback - Calling player who intentionally runs time out scumbag#6

Sorry but I don't think confirming your presence every 1 minute you're thinking about a move is a good idea :) Honestly I think OP can wait 4 minutes and get over it. I understand the frustration, but…

Lichess Feedback - Remove stream banner in mobile broadcasts#4

Whatttt @Solal35 where were you all these days in all these forum posts mentioning the problem... I'm so confuuuuuuused

Lichess Feedback - Analysis not getting done#4

Analysis seems to be very slow today...

Lichess Feedback - The new tournament overlay while spectating is not good#7

I 100% disagree, I love the new layout.
