
Search "user:sgtlaugh"

426 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - video games#13

Try The Ouroboros King. A chess themed video game :) If you like challenges, check out VVVVVV. Recently I am playing Slay The Spire a lot. If you want to play horror, Visage is a must try.

Lichess Feedback - Questionable puzzle#10

Yeah I can see the arguments for both sides. Sure it doesn't end right away, but Qxd4 is a clear alternative win for me too. Qe8 is also the best move undoubtedly. The initial eval for Qxd4 is not so …

General Chess Discussion - Best trap#11

Lichess Feedback - I don't feel too happy about 1000 pound prize pool#7

I don't think Lichess is selling out. It's not like they are just doing it to attract more people. Sure that's one of the reasons, but it's a noble thing too. Chess is a game we love, and what's wrong…

Off-Topic Discussion - Who has to prove what?#14

If someone makes a claim, the burden of proof lies on them to assert it. An exception could be universally accepted truths or facts, but even then one should be able to explain them. An assumption is …

Game analysis - Never give up!#4

Yeah, it's subjective. Playing at a disadvantage can often be a useful exercise. It builds resilience when you are placed in a tough situation. And let's face it, there will be plenty of such situatio…

Off-Topic Discussion - Genetics vs effort#22

Nature vs nurture question. Short answer, it varies. Sometimes nature/genetics can dominate, at other times nurture/effort/conditioning can. It doesn't matter much. Because you can't change or control…

Off-Topic Discussion - language choice#71

@bfchessguy said in #70: > Well, why not go a step further? Sure, we should. It's good to deep dive :) > > Who is Andrew C. McCarthy? > > The guy who > > > > >…

Off-Topic Discussion - language choice#68

@WassimBerbar said in #65: > If I prove they're a liar, then they're a liar. You said statements that contradict irrefuted proofs, so you lied. > Well, your proof doesn't line up with mine. One of us …

Off-Topic Discussion - How are food priced in your country?#16

@Dukedog said in #2: > You know what guys? I'm sorry. There's people starving in the world so my little economic problems are really inconsequential. Yes, you are right that so many people are going t…
