
Search "user:ILikeBlitz"

65 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Lichess Game of the Month May - Contest#9

@acrastt said in #7: > I'm not sure if Correspondence in GoTM is allowed, but in this game I played a weird opening with some weird tactical maneuvers and somehow won. If it's not allowed as GoTM, ple…

GM ILikeBlitz
General Chess Discussion - Lichess Game of the Month May - Contest#8

I'd like to share the following game with you: A well-known combination, but precision was required, as there were many tempting alternatives which didn't work, includ…

GM ILikeBlitz
Lichess Feedback - Other accounts can't see puzzle ratings over 2700 or more#49

@helloworld_1064 said in #42: > Can anyone answer my last question Yes.

GM ILikeBlitz
Lichess Feedback - Other accounts can't see puzzle ratings over 2700 or more#48

@helloworld_1064 said in #37: > so, what should I do, Sandbag my puzzle rating or increase my classical rating. > Also, my peak puzzle rating on is 3067, but recently my rating decreased by …

GM ILikeBlitz
Lichess Feedback - The schedule of Titled Arenas#1

May I ask you when will the schedule of the Titled Arenas be published? It's mid-May, the last Titled arena took place a few weeks ago, so it would be nice to know more. Thanks!

GM ILikeBlitz
Lichess Feedback - players cancelling games to avoid playing black pieces?#10

Some people play more often with Black because they participate in simuls.

GM ILikeBlitz
Lichess Feedback - Should lichess forbid this kind of behavior?#21

@likeyacutg said in #18: > @OctoPinky I agree, and I think the rating system may break down when the rating deficit is too high, as often the lower rated player plays worse than they normally would be…

GM ILikeBlitz
Lichess Feedback - Should lichess forbid this kind of behavior?#16

@likeyacutg said in #15: > @ILikeBlitz I see what you are saying, but the difference is that is a tournament where you don't choose who you play, but you can outside of tournaments. As you said it doe…

GM ILikeBlitz
Lichess Feedback - Should lichess forbid this kind of behavior?#14

Just a concrete example, my finest arena result on this acc so far: I scored 14.5/16. The opponents' average rating was 2388, many of them are titled. I reached…

GM ILikeBlitz
Lichess Feedback - Should lichess forbid this kind of behavior?#13

@Cedur216 said in #7: > Excessive farming can work in variants, but it only gets you rankbanned, so there's absolutely no gain from it. Many people are getting high ratings in variants through playing…

GM ILikeBlitz