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8 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Multiple premoves?#2

I completely agree, it would be very useful especially in Antichess

General Chess Discussion - Learn to resign#21

1+ To 16#s post, that's the most annoying thing I have encountered so far, I usually just leave the computer and come back when they start playing again.

General Chess Discussion - Premove tricks in bullet#14

I saw nothing wrong here, if you are in such a big hurry and premove too much you should not play bullet and if somebody takes advantage of your premove then they have all the right to do so because p…

General Chess Discussion - understanding puzzle 44942#6


General Chess Discussion - understanding puzzle 44942#5

Becauae white would not play Rg1 but insteas Kh4 avoiding checkmate and winning the game with black a queen down

General Chess Discussion - understanding puzzle 44942#3

There doesn't exist a d4 move bevause the d4 soldier is already there

General Chess Discussion - understanding puzzle 44942#2

Because in your sequence after Qxh3, Kxh3, Rg8, then white king can simply threaten the rook with Kh4 and evade checkmate, it is losing for black after the rook exchange on the g file.

General Chess Discussion - Please can someone can recommend an opening for me?#2

Have you tried Igor Smirnov's lesson on youtube ? They may be revelationary, I find his tips make very much sense, I don't try to think too much about openings because you never know what the opponent…
