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7 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Same position repeated in chess960#17

Thanks again for your messages! I think I sort of understand now, even though I can't follow all of the math. So, people's way of thinking and talking about probabilities can be imprecise. But, it's p…

Lichess Feedback - Same position repeated in chess960#14

Cool! Speaking about the twice in a row thing, though, I think I got it now: the probability of the next randomly selected position being the same as the last one never rises above 1/960 no matter how…

Lichess Feedback - Same position repeated in chess960#12

Surprising and interesting! I can see that's the second but last formula in the generalized birthday problem section. So assuming you did the math right, it means that after playing just 37 chess960 g…

Lichess Feedback - Same position repeated in chess960#10

Thank you guys for your clarifications! I guess I forgot it doesn't matter what the first position is, since the first time it can be repeated is in the second game. But still the repetition occurred …

Lichess Feedback - Same position repeated in chess960#6

Sorry, I can't follow your reasoning there, so I'll stick to my calculation, but thanks for thinking about it, though! : )

Lichess Feedback - Same position repeated in chess960#3

Yes, first there are 960 possibilities for the first game, and then after each of those there are 960 more possibilities for the second game, so the number of possible combinations in two games is 960…

Lichess Feedback - Same position repeated in chess960#1

It seems to me that the server sometimes ”forgets” to randomize the chess960 position in rematch situations. The probability of the same position occurring twice in a row in chess960 should be 1 out o…
