
Search "user:Meddard"

17 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Points lost to cheaters are not refunded in full#1

I have 100 euros in my pocket, I get robbed, luckily they catch the robber and the robber still has my 100 euros in his possession. Now the cops say, "you have been making such good money lately that …

General Chess Discussion - Achieve 2000 rating without studying, just game experience, is it possible?#36

@Monder23 glad you like it, this course really is a hidden gem :)

General Chess Discussion - Achieve 2000 rating without studying, just game experience, is it possible?#33

@Monder23 the link came up wrong, only shows 1 video, search for "Chessmaster 10 - Waitzkin Intermediate Lessons" on youtube to find the playlist. (I tried to edit my original post but was unable to, …

General Chess Discussion - Achieve 2000 rating without studying, just game experience, is it possible?#32

@Monder23 what helped me a lot was the Josh Waitzkin's chess course in Chessmaster 10, if you can't get a hold of it, it seems some kind soul has uploaded some of the course in youtube: https://www.yo…

General Chess Discussion - Achieve 2000 rating without studying, just game experience, is it possible?#29

@Monder23 1 more thing, you mentioned that you think that when you can calculate 3 moves ahead always you will be better. Don't get too attached into this idea, you actually don't need to calculate in…

General Chess Discussion - Achieve 2000 rating without studying, just game experience, is it possible?#28

you can learn openings by just playing them through trial and error, memorizing lines from a book was never appealing to me, finding your favorite lines through trial and error seems more fun to me. I…

General Chess Discussion - my fatal weakness#9

@CoolChesser Here are some thoughts on your game, hope you don't mind. your game was open enough before 23. Bg3 you did not need to make this move because your B was protected by a pawn. Instead you c…

General Chess Discussion - my fatal weakness#5

I'd say just avoid closed games, you get to play every other move, so keep the game open by making trades and opening lines.

General Chess Discussion - tigran petrosian#19

Tigran was cheating for sure, webcam showed he was not focused on the game but instead kept looking down. He is the Mike Postle of chess, both achieved amazing results by staring at their crotch xD

General Chess Discussion - 2000 lichees rapid at last#3

congrats! it's a great milestone, now time to set the next goal :)
