
Search "user:calbernandhowbefan"

21 forum posts
The House Discord Server - HMVC 2021 Pairings and Results#84

@calbernandhowbefan scores 14, @borntowinchess scores 17 (multipliers included) atomic: calbernandhowbefan 0.5 - borntowinchess 5.5 (multipliers not included) antichess: calbernandhowbefan 3 - borntow…

The House Discord Server - HMVC 2021 Pairings and Results#83

@calbernandhowbefan vs @borntowinchess playing atomic (he picked from my list) and antichess (i picked from his list) July 10th at 12:00 PM UTC

The House Discord Server - HMVC 2021 Pairings and Results#36

@calbernandhowbefan vs @borntowinchess playing atomic (he picked from my list) and antichess (i picked from his list) July 4th at 11:30 AM UTC edit: this time will have to be rescheduled to probably a…

Lichess Feedback - Bug: Variant icons not showing in the tournament menu (mobile app)#1

The title is pretty self-explanatory, but I still dont know why this is happening. I thought it might have been on my side, but after many refreshes, they still arent showing up. Also, by "variant" ic…

The House Discord Server - The House Multi Variant Championship 2021#4

I'm in... hope I don't get a repeat of last year and immediately lose to Illion lol

General Chess Discussion - Both Keyboard Extensions are fixed, thanks to @lordware#17

well dang I guess since kb is back, my super rating gain is over was fun while it lasted kekw

Lichess Feedback - Games from mobile not saving towards final score#1

Hello Lichess community, I have recently got back into the variant antichess, and was playing some games with the bot @anti-bot. As you can see, I played (at the time this was posted) 78 games. https:…

General Chess Discussion - Lower rated players should not be allowed to win against us higher rated players#14

ayo is this a joke or smth xd

Off-Topic Discussion - Seriously, people, stop it.#34

I'm gonna have to go with #1 here, this used to be funny. Keyword? used to be. It's like a dead meme, we used to laugh at it, but now if we saw it we would think "we used to laugh at this?" So maybe 1…

The House Discord Server - Year Of 2020#41

100 flowers aint no joke *coronaless cough*
