
Search "user:eeegnu"

21 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Naroditsky strolls to TA win#7

I've never seen the term super-IM before (and google doesn't seem to help here.) Is it just saying that they're in the highest tier amongst IMs?

Lichess Feedback - Okay, I get that you are banning keyboard, but is this really necessary?#30

From > This prevents use of the keyboard and multi-premove extensions. This explains some of the unreal pre-moving I've encountered.

General Chess Discussion - Why did he resign ?#2

Players resign when they believe they've lost, or when they have to leave. Whether it's actually a theoretical draw makes no difference.

General Chess Discussion - Two silly questions#3

The bar you're referring too tells you the computers assessment of the centipawn imbalance in the position. It doesn't display during the game because analysis by design doesn't happen until the game …

General Chess Discussion - What is the difference of a innacuracy, mistake, and blunder?#6

I believe the precise difference is some centipawn loss threshold. This used to be an answer on the lichess qa page:, …

Lichess Feedback - AutoQueen request#1

Rather than automatically promoting on a premove (a current option), i'd rather have an option where if your clock has < 5 seconds remaining that it automatically promotes to a queen. This is the only…

Lichess Feedback - Game Replay#2

When looking at an old game, clicking the menu button (three horizontal bars in the bottom right corner) gives the option of replaying in real time, quickly, and slowly. I don't think custom speed is …

Lichess Feedback - Request for a "handshake" button in the app#14

@jonesmh it's clear why you choose to live in Antarctica.

General Chess Discussion - i'd like to find some games i've played that followed a sequence of moves#11

@Swordfish1 here's a link with quite a bit more information I tested out the pgn download on a user with 5 games, and just opened it in notepad (it looks fine from th…

General Chess Discussion - i'd like to find some games i've played that followed a sequence of moves#3

You could download all of your former games here: Then with the pgn you could just find all strings that match that move sequence.
