
Search "user:kosmoi"

14 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Lichess Voice recognition#3

Thanks for the response. ...hope you get it integrated soon, but take your time ^^

Lichess Feedback - Lichess Voice recognition#1

Hi all, I've got a little question (to the lichess developers). Some weeks ago, an upcoming lichess plugin could be tested on but now, it seems like the server has been shut d…

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Lichess Feedback - Bug report: Don't see all characters on board while a game in a tournament, using Firefox#3

@YohaanSethNathan ok, then i close this issue. Thanks

Lichess Feedback - How can a streamer have the streamer sign on his profile and at tournaments?#3

go to the category Streamer on Watch. Then u see at the left some buttons, where u can set up your streamer account. At the end u must click on show the stream the moderators or sth like that, that th…

Lichess Feedback - Bug report: Don't see all characters on board while a game in a tournament, using Firefox#1

Hi guys, now, i had on two tournaments that problem: A new round in the tournament started, and i saw only the rocks, kings and pawn. After i changed my browser to a chromium based (i usually use Fire…

Game analysis - Has Lichess Removed computer analysis?#6

@mInZHenFaN Go to your games (if you want to analyse your game). then klick on the botton "get computer analyse" under the board (if there is no botton click at th…

Lichess Feedback - Am i a spamer, if i invite guys in my team via chat?#1

Hello, I want to get some blitz players for my new club. Is it associal to write my blitz opponent one time a message, after the game? If yes, i'll stop it.

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