
Search "user:naughtystank"

30 forum posts
Game analysis - analysis for my games#12

@AMARABELLANASHIPAE20 said in #11: > And I guess that > needs me to solve many puzzles to spot them. Yeah just practice the puzzles and go back to my original post and research all 3 points I noted wi…

Game analysis - analysis for my games#10

@AMARABELLANASHIPAE20 said in #9: > Darkleleinejo, this is what I should have done taking full control of the centre.…

Game analysis - analysis for my games#7

@AMARABELLANASHIPAE20 said in #6: > Thank you naughtystank, I actually don't know how to link games. But I should learn and will do that. Thank for your analysis. Yes, blunders like the one you pointe…

Game analysis - analysis for my games#5

@AMARABELLANASHIPAE20 said in #4: > Thank you derkleineJo for your insights into my games. I really appreciate. I didn't realize that I started off making mistakes right in the opening. I'll study wha…

Game analysis - analysis for my games#3

Hey friend , it would be beneficial in my opinion to link and post particular games that you want folks here to analyse. Climbing rating in chess is not a easy thing and takes a lot of effort. It help…

Game analysis - Share You View on This Game Plz#4

@norla said in #3: > I'm curious why you didn't accept the exchange sac with 17. Bxf8. The only reason I can think of is perhaps if you play Bxf8 white doesn't have any immediate visual threats but th…

General Chess Discussion - What would be the Lichess puzzles rating for Fide Master, International Master, Grand Master and MC#5

Ehh I've seen some folks around here rated like 1500 classical and rapid and a 2400 puzzle rating (and they even bragged about it by the way) .. Puzzle ratings don't correlate to a person's playing st…

General Chess Discussion - Rating Correlation#4

@StephenPS said in #3: > Umm my FIDE rating is 0. Yes well my request was pertaining to folks who were active in fide or uscf tournaments with an established rating (as though that needs to be even me…

General Chess Discussion - Rating Correlation#1

Hi I was wondering about the general trend of rating correlation on compared to Fide/USCF ratings. I know that the general trend is from what I've heard is that lichess ratings are inflate…

Game analysis - Punishing premovers!!#5

@AnalyticalChess_Jr said in #4: > I saw that my opponent was premoving so i took a risk but i do agree i am addicted to bullet. He didn't premove 4).d3 btw , his clock went down by 2 seconds. Anyway w…
