
Search "user:sbloom134"

7 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Hand shaped cursor on pieces replaced arrows#1

This is bugging my whole PC. Is there anyway to redo the change? I find most of lichess updates make the platform harder to use. I teach with this platform and try and bring new players to it but migh…

Lichess Feedback - Board to small Need to FIX#1

Board has gotten much smaller since update please advise

General Chess Discussion - Old Software wanted#1

Hi, I want to go back to the old software before the update from last week. Please advise how possible!

Lichess Feedback - Screen much smaller after new update#1

After the new update the board is smaller even when board size is 100%. I teach using this platform and all my students have complained today. Are you going to fix this and make board size bigger like…

Lichess Feedback - Study bug#1

On my study people are seeing these white arrows and I do not. How to I remove.

Lichess Feedback - lag during the games#1

I find the last week I have a ton of lag when playing my games the moves take place in slow motion? Is anyone else having this problem

Lichess Feedback - Letters to small on studies#1

Hi, I teach using lichess. I find that the letters are getting too small on the studies. Please let me know if you could make it bigger. Thanks
