
Why don't I get back the points I lost to a verified cheater?

At 24/8 I lost 57 points in just 4 rapid games against noumbovidal. It was clear to me that he was cheating. Lichess confirmed that my suspicions were right and the guy was banned. However I didn't get my points back so far. Why is that?
Thank you for the feedback, but this is totally unfair. Should not the player that reports a cheater be granted his lost points? I think Lichess should reconsider this rule.
I don't know the specific reasoning for the rating refund policy as I am not a mod. But I'm not sure it makes sense to make an exception to the rule just for people who reported the account.
Why not? The player who discovers the cheater should at least have his/hers points back.
The explanation covers this. This prevents exploitation. I'll give you one example. Some person loses 200 rating points to a cheater. But also gained them back and 100 points extra after . Should their rating be increased 200 points now after the cheater was marked ?
Yes, as Sazed said: If you lose a bunch to a cheater, then gain the rating back by playing other players (Because you re-reach the rating equilibrium at your skill level), and then proceed to get a full refund, that puts you at way over your skill level, hence severely over-rated.

Also, no need to name the cheaters, naming (and shaming) isn't allowed.

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