
Chess survey/quiz for school homework

I apologize in advance for being pedantic but since this is for your schoolwork: in this case it's spelled "effect" because it's a noun. "affect" is a verb :)
Thx, fixed. English isnt my first language all what can i say for making such mistake :/
don't worry about it! i thought it was your first language, so that's why i corrected you :) wouldn't want you to miss marks for something as silly as that!
I have some comments on these questions:

> How much do you play or study chess ?
This may vary all the time. For some periods I'm playing every day, for other a few times a week, I can forget about chess for several months, let alone there was a period in nearly 8 years in my life when I didn't play chess at all except for occasional OTB battles with friends. This question would better have possibility to write your own answer.

> Did you had or have good marks at school?
This looks a little too vague because the border between "good" and "not bad not good" is not very clear as well as the second border, though this is not critical and probably can't be improved much.

> 7 8 9
Do you really want to contest an ability of thinking using these three puzzles? They look too easy, only the second can possibly cause some difficulties, but I am quite not sure what does it test (I saw this in many different variations before).

Also I would certainly include a question about the strength of playing chess, though it is not very clear how to measure it if you have this survey not only on lichess. This parameter might be interesting as well.
I hate to effect such a pedantic affect, but affect can effectively be a noun and effect likewise a verb as used here.

But for their most common meanings, effect's a noun and affect's a verb. Let not the effect affect you.

The puzzles were fun, though.
@Wolfram_EP Right now im doing this as simple as possible and fast, just to do the homework. I made 2 surveys/quiz, same tasks one of the survey i gave only to chess players and 1 survey to non-chess players who I consider not being stupid at all (Having great marks at school, good jobs). But now it seems that chess players are dominating the non-chess players and that is what my hypothesis was that chess increases logical thinking. I know that there are many aspects what may affect this. If i would take it much serious probably i should go to labratory and check how the people brain works while solving.. now it is just some small project. Probably doing this on kids would be the best, but don't have that much time for this. If i wouldn't do it on last possible moment, than i would have thinked more and done it better. Making the survey wasnt the hardest part now i need to make alot of paper work what affects my time (stupid rules). Many aspects and much resources might be needed for the perfect project and probably internet is not the best choice, because some might lie, might make 2nd and better attempt, but dunno will see. The third task with horses now seems to be the most difficult for chess players, probably because didnt check that picture carefully, probably you can make good conclusion from that too. The 2nd has pretty good ratio solving it. thx for the feedback
@limponis Okay, understood. But correlation between chess and logical thinking doesn't mean that chess increases logical thinking (though I believe this is true, especially for children). I think the most part of the correlation is coming from the fact that people that are bad in logical thinking just aren't interested in a logical game like chess.

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