
"Learn from your mistakes" option

For the past couple of weeks, the learn from your mistakes option will not work for me. I click it and it shows the first mistake. When I try to find a better move, it goes to "Analyzing your move" but nothing happens.
Let me guess, you use Safari. We don't know why it can't do local analysis anymore.

In the meantime, we recommend chrome for the best analysis performance.
Hello Thibault, Chrome on IOS behaves exactly the same...
Yup, Safari. I'll give chrome a try and let you know. Thanks for the reply.
That did it. I do hope that lichess fixes the bug for Safari, though, since that is the browser that I normally use. Thanks for the help.
Well, I don't know if you fixed the bug or it fixed itself, but the "Learn from your mistakes" option is working with Safari now. Thanks much.

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