
How to get better at bullet

I am desperately trying to improve at bullet but it is not working. Do you have any ideas on how to get better at bullet?
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First of all, question yourself whether you are ready to throw away your chess skills, since you will only get a higher bullet rating in return.

If the answer is "YES" - here you go:
- Play a lot more bullet. Best: you play only bullet. Practice makes perfect...
- Play ultra or 1/2+0 to improve the speed, then go for 1+0 and see - this will feel slow.
- Play the clock, not the board, never take time - its always your turn, keep moving :)
- Learn safe opening through which you can play very fast and be aware of all tactical cheapos there.
- Try to get into a position where u can premove, always premove captures and try not to capture pinned pieces.

Bullet time controls will destroy good thinking habits. You might lose the ability to think deeper about a position.
You just react to certain chess patterns, make (pre)moves and that's it.
Speaking of experience. :<
What is dis Bullet you speak of? I am an old timer. I do not understand this bullet madness.
To get better at bullet you need two things which are speed and chess knowledge, for the first part you can try to play ultra bullet and aim tactics, it'll improve your mouse speed. For the second part, you need to strengthen your chess because without chess knowledge you'll just make random moves and lose the games and speed would not matter.

After improving your chess play some openings that you know the best and play as fast as you can, and never resign because your opponent can always hang his/her queen. Or it could be a stalemate or he/she can flag, so try to flag him/her.
But to be able to do this, you must play good openings to come this far.
There is no way I will be up for 24 hours. Some people need sleep compared to you starting up 24 hours
@LoudPearlPepper You won't get better at bullet by playing bullet games.You will get better at bullet when you're get better on long control games first.just play classical an rapid games all the time and analyse after play that game. You will get better at bullet within a month.Every strong bullet player usually can remember every pieces on the board while they playing.If you want to become a strong bullet player then you need learn to practice blindfold too.
play classical then bullet or to puzzles or play fast and get a new mouse that's good so you can play fast
In the past few days, I have jumped ~100 bullet rating points. I studied more openings, because if you are familiar with openings then you will play faster in the opening, which means that you will have more time in the middlegame/endgame. Some people like playing unfamiliar openings such as the Pirc or the Caro-kann, instead of the usuals such as the Sicilian, Scandi, etc.

In bullet, always be tactically aware, puzzles are sometimes key. I would recommend puzzle rush, there is a free website that offers free puzzle rush, I forgot the website, but it's really useful to solve tactics quickly against the clock.

P.S. Opening traps are key too, if your opponent is unfamiliar with it, they will have trouble surviving.

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