
Forced to Play

what a great way to ruin the win/loss ratio Vempele!

wanted to also include the incidences where the opponent never shows up to the game "left game" and we are forced to wait out 30 seconds for the game to abort cause mod forbid we abort the game ourselves instead of wasting time since the opponent is a no show ..

30 seconds isn't much at 1st. but this can add up if reoccurring several times in a row
... which is why such opponents are automatically banned for refusing to play?
if players are out to intentionally accept challenges to only abort them for whatever reasons, this can easily be handled by blocking that account.

maybe they are just having a bad internet connection and desperately trying to get a game to start.. does this justify banning that account for failing to stay connected 3-4x in a row?

as stated, can see this being applied to rated games due to the reasoning of someone could be selective to whom they play and insure their own victories.

however casual games seems a bit much to imply such a penalty. most of us are trying to find good games to have fun and this can easily be ruined by meeting up with some mischief looking suspicious accounts likely with bad intentions
"maybe they are just having a bad internet connection and desperately trying to get a game to start.. does this justify banning that account for failing to stay connected 3-4x in a row?"

Why wouldn't it? Such bans are temporary (though increasing in duration with each consecutive offense). How else do you handle players whose opponents are trying to play a game?
@Toadofsky block them

just had another one of those funny situations where opponent accepts my open challenge to never show up as black giving Me the 30 second countdown to move, after moving having to wait 30 seconds for his clock to expire .. one time no big deal.. 3-4x in a row start to become a nuisance .. those minutes begin to add up quick

That approach (manual block in response to BM) doesn't scale well with number of opponents. Also I don't know on the mobile app to block an opponent.
Thank you Lichess for listening and making the necessary changes so we may now abort games instead of waiting 30 seconds for opponents who never show ... I've ran into a dozen of them in past 24 hours and not a single warning was issued for aborting them saving 5 minutes of my life haha. that adds up quick you kno

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