
The Journey to Chess Improvement

Very insightful on your analysis, after we met as a beginner it was hard to really choose a way ( road on your analogy) to follow. Like many , i think, watching some youtube videos, lichess or even other chess sites, sometimes also buying some courses, usually about openings. But then you said " don ́t memorize openings it wont help you in the long run, learn the principles and apply them until u really understand them " , and and just a few weeks after that i started to really improve, and more importantly, knew what to look for , and after your , also great , self assessment tool ,made me think on my strengths and weakness . So yes, i agree with you ! That helped to get from 1200 strength to 1800. And more important then the rating numbers , my gameplay, the way i understand the game now, is also thanks to your teachings, thx for that ! let ́s keep improving and helping other beginners !