
Video: my best endgame (BB-KPP)

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I would never guess that this is a winning endgame in the tablebase.
By the way, the TB says „win“ nowadays but the 50-moves rule could prevent it. The painless BB-N is won, but sometimes beyond that border.
Forgot to use colors and arrows, mea culpa. Maybe I will do some more videos, time will tell.
That is the power of the bishop's pair.
@Sarg0n friends thinks he goes to the chess club to drink beer.
Society thinks he sits at that board and thinks super hard all day.
His mom thinks he’s a hustler going to find a random guy to play on the streets.
His opponents think he studies chess openings all day behind a book.
He thinks he’s super cool winning all the trophies.
He actually sits on bed posting in forums.
That’s how I interpreted it, what does it actually mean @Sarg0n ?

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